Martin Lewis is always on hand with great ideas to help stay on top of finances and save money. Through his clever tips and tricks, the fiscal guru has been able to aid those looking to save some cash.
And some savvy savers have made serious gains by following the money expert’s advice and scrutinising general utility bills. According to the Money Saving Expert website, Martin has helped households receive up to £1,300 in water bill refunds and compensation.
By looking into surface water overpayments and checking if your home is connected to the sewerage mains, you could be entitled to a payment.
READ MORE: Martin Lewis shares money-saving tip as anyone of a certain age could be due up to £3,300
A man who took the guidance from Martin received £1,300 in compensation and refunds after looking into overpayments dating back to 2003. Roddy Russell was also able to save £60 on his future bills.
Bob who followed the money expert’s advice received a £300 payment after challenging his water bill as it had a soakaway for wastewater. He said: “I followed your advice and applied to our local water company, and we’ve now received a discount on our annual charge, as well as a refund of nearly £300. Thanks so much for the tip. Our whole estate uses soakaways, so I’m going to be spreading the word.”
As well as Bob, Darryl Beeby received a refund of £282 in surface water overpayments backdated to 2018. According to Martin, households could “qualify for a refund of overpayments and lower bills if you’ve paid for sewerage services you’re not getting.
He says that if you use a ‘soakaway’ or an ‘attenuation basin’ or if you use a ‘cesspit’ or ‘septic tank’. To check if you have been affected you can look at the deeds of your property which will detail the connections of your sewage.
For those who are renting, you can ask the landlord to check the deeds or contact your water provider who can send someone to check for you.
The Money Saving Expert website also advises that if your water company won’t give you a refund and lower your bills but you believe you’re entitled then you should get in touch with your local Consumer Council for Water (CCW) office.