A man says he is getting an extra £6,600 a year after following a tip from personal finance guru Martin Lewis‘ website. And it only took him ten minutes to discover he was eligible for the cash boost from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after seeing the Money Saving Expert (MSE) post.
The MSE team have been urging people to check whether they are eligible for any benefits, as many people do qualify but don’t claim. It means millions of households could be missing out on thousands of pounds a year without realising it.
In his weekly email newsletter, Martin and the team share various money saving tips and other finance advice with readers. It recently highlighted a benefits calculator on the MSE website which helps people to check in around 10 minutes whether they are eligible for any government support.
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The newsletter also shares success stories of readers who have had financial wins after following MSE advice. A man named Joel wrote into say that he’s £6,600 a year better off after using the calculator, which was built for MSE by benefits specialists EntitledTo.
Joel wrote: “In your weekly email, you encouraged people to check if they’re eligible for Universal Credit. I didn’t think I’d qualify, but thought I’d check – turns out I was eligible for £550 a month! Thanks so much for the advice, I’d never have checked otherwise.”
It come after a parent told how she saved £1,200 a year on childcare after following Martin’s advice, reported The Mirror. Kiran had read about the tax-free childcare scheme – which offers parents up to £2,000 a year per child towards childcare costs, including nursery, childminder and wraparound care – in the MSE newsletter.
According to MSE, more than one million families are eligible for the scheme – but some 800,000 aren’t taking advantage of it. It works by the government adding 20p for every 80p that parents put into a tax-free childcare account.