A thought from Martin – is this fair to do?
“Loopholes have been the lifeblood of MSE since I started it back in 2003. Yet rightly, we had a lot of discussion in MSE Towers about whether, if in the light of pandemic and the impact on city centre food retailers, this was fair to do right now.”
“Pret is a major retailer, owned by a multi-billion pound German conglomerate, not a small independent. This service was launched post-pandemic, designed for current times. The ‘one-month free trial’ option is a common, usually profitable, subscription model, based on our innate human dislike of losing things once we have them (see my the real reason why companies offer free 1mth trial blog for a full explanation).”
“Ultimately too, the subscription deal is a good one for some, as Laura explains below. So it’s also likely even some regular MoneySavers will sign-up for it having read this.”
“So in the end we decided our job is to provide you with info and a choice. Yet I wanted to overtly raise the ethical question, to give you a pause for thought, so you can have the info but make a decision for yourself as to how you feel about doing this right now.”