Martin Lewis has issued an urgent warning to homeowners across England regarding their mortgages.
The cash-saving guru has warned mortgage payers that they will need to act soon if they want to save money on their repayments.
The Money Saving Expert founder is known for dishing out financial advice to Brits with advice on banking, taxes and the best deals for consumers.
Mr Lewis is also a regular figure on ITV’S This Morning as well as presenting his own shows Extreme Savers and The Martin Lewis Money Show.
And if that wasn’t enough, the consumer champion also writes a weekly newsletter that lands directly into your inbox with money-saving tips.
This week, the financial expert has said homeowners should check they are on the best possible deal as interest rates fall below 1%.
In this week’s newsletter to Money Saving Expert readers he said: “Rates have dropped below 1% – check urgently if you can switch & save £1,000s. Acceptance isn’t always easy, but don’t just accept the status quo.”
There is currently no cut-off date to check if you are on the best deal possible, but Mr Lewis has warned people to act “urgently”.
To check on his advice the Money Saving Expert mortgage calculator can help you find the best deal.
The MSE newsletter will land in your inbox every week with the latest info, all you have to do is subscribe.